Lazy Bear
At the moment, the LazyBear™ education illustrations collection is still being created. Each week we will publish a new collection of 555 exclusive pieces (illustration, cartoon and infographics). But you can reserve your future Lazy Bear™ illustration by sending XRD, from your Radix wallet to the official wallet.One Lazy Bear™ illustration is 50 XRD and a maximum of 10 NFT per wallet is permitted to ensure a fair distribution.
In addition, we will later launch our LazyBears collection, a unique and exclusive collection of 5,555 hand-designed NFTs. Once Smart Contracts are enabled in Radix (after "Babylon") and after the entire Lazy Bears collection is completed, you will finally be able to mint your randomly selected NFTs from our collection. This is likely to happen towards the end of 2022.
The Lazy Bears have arrived in force to turn the NFT world upside down. From the core of the team to our extremities, we are passionate about art, design and the blockchain world. From that energy and the desire to promote a fun education, this project was born. On the other hand, it should be said that as an educational project we could not miss a blog with educational articles, ¡you can not miss them!.
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